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TISSAGE AUX DOIGTS au Nord Est de l'Amérique:

de la culture Mi'kmaq (2,500 avant le Présent) à la culture Canadienne française en passant par la culture Mississippienne (800-900), nous tentons d'établir des liens à travers le tissage aux doigts et la culture Québécoise (1840-1885). Nous nous appuyons sur des faits, périodes dans le temps et lieux. Nous pensons que ces échanges culturels sont importants. 

FINGER WEAVING from North East of America:
from the Mi'kmaq Culture (2,500 BP) to the French Canadian Culture through the Mississippian Culture (800-900), we are trying to establish links through finger weaving and Quebec culture (1840-1885). We rely on facts, periods in time and locations. We believe that these cultural exchanges are important.

Fléché weaving or braiding. Both glossaries are used here in Québec.

« Historically it is most often called "weaving". Our concern is primarily with the historical craft and art form known as finger weaving. We had no desire to rename it so that it fit into the overall world of fabric as that was not our purpose. We simply work with the weaving done without a loom, as it is so often described in writings of the time period in which it arises and achieves popularity. »

Tom Condé May 6, 2019.

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